Saturday, February 25, 2012

It is time to start blogging. But what to blog about? Well, Danny and I hosted the most enjoyable dinner last night for two couples we have known for a long time through Danny's work but have not entertained in our home. Gosh, it was fun. I cleaned the house, set the table and basically kept out of the way while Danny prepared a delicious meal. The conversation flowed, lots of laughs, what more can you ask for? This morning all the detritus is cleaned up and I am looking forward to some leftovers for lunch.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada's 143rd Birthday

This is my very first attempt at blogging. I'm excited! 43 years ago I was in Ottawa, for Canada's 100th birthday. It was great but alas, I didn't take any photos, and I was on my own (well, with distant rellies who I have lost track of) so no one to remember with. The Queen was there (as she is today) and the Centennial Flame on Parliament Hill was lit for the first time.
Today is Sidney's day to shine as July 1 is Parade Day. For the first time in years I am not participating in it but I am going to be a spectator. There are 90 entries so it will be good and long. Cool though so we shall have to bundle up.
To Canadian readers, Happy Canada Day!